Monday - Sunday: 8:00am to 8:00pm

Background Check Before Dating, Charlotte, NC

Our firm is a trusted provider of background check before dating services.

Meeting people and dating have changed dramatically in the recent past. Online dating has opened the world up to singles who are looking to date, but it has also increased the risk of being lied to or scammed. An internet catfish is someone who poses as someone else when communicating with people online, and even those in the public eye have fallen prey. Although some catfish have less malicious intentions, others set out to intentionally mislead and scam those with whom they are in contact. It’s important to protect yourself when you engage with potential romantic partners on the internet.

Background Check Before Dating in Charlotte, North Carolina

Even if you don’t meet people online, you can still be misled by people with negative intentions. Someone might claim that they have no criminal history when that simply isn’t true. In a romantic relationship, you should feel comfortable being vulnerable and open with your partner, but you need to be sure that the partner deserves your trust. Charlotte Private Investigator can perform a background check before dating to help you get the information you need to move forward with confidence.

Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip a Background Check

We offer background check before dating services for those in and near Charlotte, North Carolina who don’t want to engage with people who may be lying about their pasts. Our firm is a trusted provider of background check before dating services. We can also perform background checks for other reasons, including to use in legal cases, for employment, or when considering applicants for a rental property. When you need reliable information, trust our experienced team of investigators.

At Charlotte Private Investigator, we can perform a background check before dating in Charlotte (including Myers Park, Dilworth, Southpark, and Ballantyne), Huntersville, Raleigh, Mooresville, Durham, and Matthews, North Carolina, as well as Fort Mill, South Carolina.